My Random Ramblings

Friday, June 20, 2008

Lazy Bums Love Fridays!

Yes, I'm so glad its finally Friday! But its taking a tad too long for them clocks to say ''6.30pm!". I'm bored and I don't have any mood to work. So here I am, talking trash and leaving all you fellow lazy bums with this sad fact of life:

Ceux-qui rient le vendredi, pleureront le dimanche

Which just simply means:
Those who laugh on Friday will cry on Sunday.

Ugh... Must have been written by some work-loving sadist! How true though. Sad but true. I cry every Sunday without fail. Hahahahahaha...!! But then again, doesn't it just give us something to look forward in life? Each day I live looking forward to the weekends. :P Makes my weekends more berharga!

Okay folks, 2 hours more and its time to get the hell out of here! Have a good weekend!

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